Well I have finally discovered the absolutely foolproof way to lose those unwanted kgs! And the secret is..........hang around with a bunch of (almost) "virally" four year olds!!!!
Yes, this weekend, after my brief soujourn to the much awaited Australasian Scrapbooking Convention, I returned home with a 39 degree temperature and severe vomiting and gasto!!!! Yeh!!! A weekend spent in bed or sitting on the toilet with a bucket in hand - glamourous stuff, I know, but why haven't I marketed this weightloss secret?!?!? Surely I can load a pill with some rampant gastro virus or something (or has that been done before?). I'm sure Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie would be into it - who needs an uncomfortable colonic when, with the simple pop of a pill, you could induce an automatic "rid your body of every single ounce of goodness it could possibly contain" response - too easy. Could be a marketing frenzy - each pill comes with its own bucket and disposable undies - great stuff (and oh, so tasteful!).
Needless to say, I haven't even touched my scrapbooking stuff for a whole week now (first with sick children and now with me!). Very frustrating I can tell you. Hopefully all will be back on deck later this week so I can catch up on some housework, washing, ironing, etc. and start scrapping!
Oh, Tim bought a new toy on the weekend - a Dyson vacuum cleaner! (I know, many men would prefer something more "butch" but he's wanted one of these forever and it was HALF PRICE! Gotta be happy with that! I have now nicknamed our new vac "Lady Dy" and Tim shall now be known affectionately as "Dodo" when he is seen in her company! (Its a bit rough when that's about the most exciting this that's happened over a long weekend isn't it?!?!).
Hopefully more to report later in the week - take care of you and yours.
XX Jilly