Thank you Sara P! Very kind of you!!! Here goes.....
Four jobs I've had:
1. Marketing Manager for Birch Carroll & Coyle
2. Marketing/Promotions Manager for Radio 4BH
3. PA to President of Australian Law Council
4. Manager Cue Store
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Lord of the Rings (1st one)
2. In Her Shoes
3. Harold and Maud
4. Fight Club
Four TV Shows I love to watch:
1. Law & Order SVU
2. Frasier
3. Law & Order CSI
4. Mythbusters
Four important things to me:
1. Family
2. Scrapbooking
3. Photography
4. Memories
Four tunes that play in my head:
1. I Like to Sing (a bl**dy Playschool song that gets stuck lol!)
2. Watching Me Watching You (Rogue Traders)
3. Life (Desiree)
4. Veronica (Elvis Costello)
Four favourite Food dishes:
1. Thai Chicken Yum Salad
2. Veal Pizzaiola
3. Vegetarian Lasagne
4. Falafel
Four websites I visit daily:
1. Magistical Memories
2. Scrapapple
3. Blue Bazaar
4. DP Challenge
Four Scrap Companies I Like:
1. 7 Gypsies
2. Scenic Route
3. Basic Grey
4. Li'l Davis
Four favourite colours:
1. Purple
2. Orange
3. Black
4. White
Four bloggers I tag:
1. Marni T
2. Milly
3. Lusi
4. Viv