Thought I'd have a little whinge on no-one listens at home lol!
I HATE WATER RESTRICTIONS...... For those of you who don't live in Queensland, you may not be aware, but we in Brisbane and Ipswich City Councils, we have Level 3 water restrictions which are a pain in the butt!!!!
With Level 3 water restrictions we are only allowed to water our garden by bucket - no hose must be attached to your outside taps. The over 70's CAN use a hose for ONE HOUR on a Sunday.
I said to Mum today, we are thinking of hiring her out at, say $100.00 per hour on a Sunday (because that is cheaper than a fine for hosing). I think that makes perfectly good sense.
Apparently in October they are going to introduce Level 4 Water Restrictions which means no watering gardens at all! Great! That means we spent nearly $10,000 on our gardens, etc. for diddly squat - think of all the scrapbooking products I could have bought for that!!!
Like I've got time (or inclination) at the moment to be filling @#$*! buckets of water up and watering our plants and our grass!!!! Hello!!!
I can't believe in this day and age and in a Capital City that we have water restrictions - great work Peter Beattie and the Labor Government for your forethought in canning the damn projects that were in place nearly 20 years ago by the previous Government. I say big raspberry to you!!!