So I didn't quite reach my 3 times a week goal for my blogging - I tried, but nothing too exciting has happened!
On Saturday we went to SDU which was great - Actually I have NEVER been to a show even remotely to do with scrapbooking so I thought it was great - picked up some great bargains. I finally caught up with Dawn and Kelly from Scrapapple - their shop was soooo busy which wonderful (picture above),
I also FINALLY managed to catch up with Sara and her three gorgeous children. We will have to arrange to get together sans children so we can actually talk like grown-ups (I think I remember how lol!).
I have also been tagged for the first time! (thanks Sara lol!). So, I guess I just do what must be done and get on with it before I forget! Here goes -
I AM: actually a very private person and fiercely loyal
I WANT: just 4 more hours in each day
I HATE: crowds and injustice
I MISS: sleeping in
I FEAR: being the centre of attention
I HEAR: the washing machine in the laundry and the hum of the computer
I WONDER: what the future holds for me and mine
I REGRET: not having my children when I was younger
I AM NOT: very organised but I am constantly trying to get better!
I DANCE: with my three boys and my DH
I SING: loudly and constantly (and probably quite badly lol!)
I CRY: when I see injustice
I AM NOT ALWAYS: using my time constructively
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: just about anything I put my mind to
I WRITE: as I speak
I CONFUSE: wants and needs sometimes
I NEED: to go to bed earlier!
I SHOULD: really being doing my housework!
I START: getting cranky when I am tired
I FINISH: projects that interest me
There....so my first ever tag! Now its my turn to tag LEONIE, JENNY and MARNI! So...off you go girls!
Our Internet has slowed down to snail pace thanks to kids and their downloads. Will attempt to reply to tag tomorrow when we are back to cable speed.
love this little insight Jill...and I am glad SDU was good too...wish I had been able to make it!
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