I took this photo of Levi earlier this month when we had some rain - he was running thru the puddles in the backyard for about 30 minutes when he had, of course, a spill! Instead of freaking, he just calmly took off his wet clothes and spent about the next 30minutes running thru the garden nude - just gorgeous!
Oh that is just sooooooooo unbelieveably (sp?) gorgeous! Love the angel wings - you are amazing Jill!
That is awesome!!! The story and the layout :) I love how you added angel wings to a 'boy' layout.
Hi Jill,
Found your blog through Sarah's..
im on the arty pants DT too!!... love your layout just gorgeous!!!
Will be checking back from now on...
Do you mind if i add you to my blog list????
Love your angel Jilly. Such a cute photo.
What a fantastic photo Jill...and a fabulous layout too! I love the wings. Note to self: scrap a layout with wings like that.... :)
Love it!!!
Jill that layout is just heavenly! I lOVE it!!!
what a great layout..and isnt he the cutest angel you ever did see...
great work!!!
i see your mojo is back in full swing!
WOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE awesome stuff Jill!! I am looking forward to getting to know you some more through Scrapapple!!!
Another beautiful layout.
So cute!!!
What a cute photo!! You are such an amazing talent JIll.
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