I did this the other day but haven't gotten around to uploading it yet. I love this photo of Levi (he's got such a great character face). Hope you like it!
On the home front, I've got Round 2 of my chest/sinus/ear infection so I'm not feeling particularly chirpy! Kids are well atm (touch wood). DS1 back at school again this week and he's loving it! He can't believe how much more school work (and homework) they do at the new school - kinda makes you wonder what the heck goes on at most public schools doesn't it?
Hopefully (if I can stay awake) I'll get some scrapping done tonite.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
LOVE this one, Jill!! Just gorgeous!
xx S.
Love this Jill. Love the colour combo and the whole set up.
Hope you feel better soon.
take care ox
That page is just great.Love it all.
Jill rokcs. that's it. she rocks. :)
Oh and get better soon you!
Big squeezy hugs,
Lus x
it would help if i could spell *rocks* LOL!
Totally agree about the public school Jill my girls do so much more and so much more inclass stuff, even in preschool i am so impressed and glad we moved to private although our bank balance wont be with all 4 there pmsl!!!!
hope you feel better soon:)
love the layout!
Another gorgeous LO Jill :) Hope you're feeling better soon.
Hope you're on the mend Jill. You've had a bad run of it lately.
LOVE this layout..great photo.
Freakin fantastic LO Jill!! I love your stuff. You are so talented.
Get better soon.
Wow Jill, I just had to stop by your amazing bloggie. WoW! Gorgeous I tell you! I see by your links we have a lot of people/friends in common. I will be checking back here a lot.
WOWEEEEEEEEEE Jilly...totally AWESOME layout!!! looks super :0)
So glad to see that this one got snapped up!!
cool.... it's getting published too! Do you do anything that doesn't get published??
xx S.
congrats lovely on the publishing!!!
just checking in on ya - all ok?
Love and big hugs
Lus x
ohhhh.. missed seeing ur page.. will now have to wait to see it in PRINT!!!.. yippeee you go girl!!!
u know i love ur art..
Take care
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