I've moved over to Typepad now for a bit of a trial.
The link is here. Let me know what you think K?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thinking of changing...
Blogger is getting v. annoying. Sometimes it decides to publish the posts...sometimes, not. Grrrr. Thinking of changing to Typepad. Anyone out there who can tell me the difference?
My boy...

Have you ever fallen in love with a photo that is, by all accounts, not a good one? I love this one of my "handful" as I think it really shows what he is like!
Art, photography, scrapbooking, etc., etc., is just so personal isn't it? Sometimes, for no apparent reason, something just appeals.
I haven't scrapped for a while as my mojo STILL hasn't returned! I think I need an injection of new PRODUCTS!!! Can't wait for the new CHA stuff to come flowing in......
I do love the new Daisy D's papers that are available at Scrapapple and can't wait to get my hands on some!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
What the.....
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
How Cute it this Face?

This would have to be one of my favourite photos of Levi. He was in the bath and I was trying out my 85mm f1.8 lens and I'm so happy with it!
You might have seen it in SC 44 but I had to show it to you again anyway!
Do you find that you scrap one child more than another at certain stages? At the moment Levi is so photogenic so he gets the bulk of the snaps (mind you I don't know for how long as he's getting sick of it!).
Thanks to everyone who has popped to visit my blog too lately - I love it and I love the sense of "community" it gives. What did we all do before blogging?
Thursday, July 12, 2007

I haven't seen it yet, but I believe I have a cover on Issue 44 of Scrapbook Creations! Can you believe it?!?!?!? Its a layout I did using a "suspended" technique I came up with when I was playing around one day (waaaaaay to much time on my hands I know!). How cool!!!
Its a photo of my (wicked) Levi - gosh he's a handful!!! BUT I love that there is a boy on the cover AND a naughty one at that!
BTW check out Aussie Dares tomorrow - we've come up with some New and Improved Ideas - should get those creative juices flowing and join in - a great way to get that mojo flowing!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Don't you just love crying photos?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Not much happening....

All's been pretty quiet on the home front of late. I guess that's got something to do with my back problems. Still getting 4 x weekly visits to chiro.
Levi and Jonah turned 5 yesterday which was really gorgeous - it still amazes me that they're here. They had such a rough time in utero and I was on so many drugs that its amazing that they're both so healthy and have no major problems. Happy Birthday gorgeous boys!
Haven't been doing much scrapping - I made a couple of cards though - to be honest I don't "get" cardmarking - but here they are.
Friday, June 22, 2007
You're Thor?????

Sorry I've been keeping quiet for a while - to be honest, I've had a DREADFUL back. When I was away a couple of weeks ago, I had a fall (glamorous I know!) and since then I've had the worst back pain I've experienced.
I've been going to the physio and chiropractor. I have acute inflamation around two of my (degenerating!!) discs in my lower back and haven't even been able to sit at the 'puter, let alone produce any other work! The pain is the only pain I have known that is worse than childbirth!
Today is the first day that I have been able to actually walk around a little and sit for a couple of minutes on the 'puter!!
Anyway, nothing much to show but here's a layout I did a few weeks ago. I know its nots outstanding but it only took me a hour to do from start to finish (pretty outstanding for me I can tell you!)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Jenni Bowlin

Don't you just love the Jenni Bowlin cardstock and papers! Sarah and I have been harrassing Dawn and Kelly at Scrapapple.com.au to get and, as usual, they delivered the goods!
I'm trying to experiment with 6 x 4 photos at the moment. Who knows, might even do some layouts with more than one photo (but no promises lol!)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
What a Weekend!

Sorry for being a bad bad blogger!!!
Boy did I have a terrific weekend at the Australasian Scrapbooking & Papercraft Convention!
As you know this was my first big "teaching" gig and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I don't like standing at the front of the class and teaching so I just basically wandered around the whole time which made me more relaxed. I also managed with the help of painkillers as I slipped a disc while I was away last week (great timing!)....probably why I felt so relaxed!
I also got to meet some fabulous people - all the girls in the classes were fabulous and included Petrina, Lynette (from Scrapbooks, Etc. - who STILL has to give me her blog addy - hint hint!!!), and a heap of other gorgeous girls who I hope will keep in touch. And I got to catch up with Dayleen and Peg from the Scrapapple.com Forum.
and the insanely talent Lu Griffen and Cass Glass!!!I also had the opportunity to meet Loretta Grayson, Ngaire Bartlam (who is going to decorate my little needle-felted rabbit - can't wait to see it!), the gorgeous Rachelle Minnett, Sandra Gerdes and Michelle Grant (I'll have to put the link in laterMichelle!).
I'll be having a couple of days on my back now to try and be able to move again!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Slack Slack Slack

I've been incredibly busy getting reading for the Australasian Scrapbooking Convention which is on in Brisbane next weekend! (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it lol!).
The freaky thing is that all my classes are completely SOLD OUT!!!! Wowsers! (Talk about making a girl nervous!!!!)
Tim and I were lucky enough to get away to Port Douglas for a couple of days last week which was RELAXING!!! What a stunning place!
Haven't done much scrapping though so I'm just going to put up one I did sometime last week!
Anyway, thank you to everyone stopping by - Please leave a message - I love to know who's popping in AND if you're coming to the Convention next weekend, let me know won't you?!?!?
Sunday, May 27, 2007

We have had the laziest weekend ever I think! Apart from a few hours of work yesterday morning, getting haircuts for all three boys yesterday and grocery shopping, we have done absolutely NOTHING! Unashamedly lazy....unashamedly boring...unashamedly quiet. Should be more of it!
I've done a layout using the new Buzz and Bloom chipboard! For those of you who didn't know, Buzz and Bloom have begun laser cutting their own chipboard and I must say, its absolutely beautiful! Remember to ask your retailer to get hold of it!
I've been super slack in the blogger department too! I've actually been exceptionally busy with scrapping and busily preparing my kits for the 2007 Australasian Scrapbook & Papercraft Convention for the June long weekend. I am soooo excited about it and sooooo nervous about!
Remember, if you are coming in to the Convention, PLEASE stop by to the Scrapapple stand and introduce yourself as I'd love to meet all my scrappin' buddies. I'll be the shell-shocked looking one who is shaking in the class lol!
EDITED TO ADD: OMG I just read thru this and I must say it sounds like a walking talking advertisement lol!!! I'm truly sorry about this!! Sometimes I guess just too many things happen at the same time!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
More Grunge......

I'm so in love with the Creative Imaginations Intentions line that I just had to do more "grunge".
If you are having trouble getting hold of the papers, you can get them from Ocean 2 Outback Scrapbooking - now the sole distributors of CI for Australia.
Had the gorgeous MarniT and her husband down from Mackay last weekend and we had a blast - it was so great catching up - miss you heaps girl!
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Don't you just love doing a "grunge" layout every now and then? I adore it - getting the inks out, the hammer out and all the other dirty stuff!
Here's one using the new Marah Johnson Intentions range from Creative Imaginations. Its out in Australian NOW! Let me know if you have problems getting it!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Needle Felting
Friday, May 04, 2007
Australasian Scrapbook & Papercraft Convention

Wowsers! I am lucky enough to have been asked to teach at the 2007 Australasian Scrapbook & Papercraft Convention which is at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Bank, Brisbane from June 9 to June 11, 2007.
Here's a sneaky peak at my class which will be focusing on ribbon and a few "different" ways to use it.
I'm really nervous about the whole affair, but am so excited at the same time.
Some times I really have to pinch myself to believe what an amazing journey this scrapbooking road has been for me. To think that 18months ago I didn't even know what scrapbooking was AND I had no idea that I could take a fairly decent photo with a camera!
If you can make it to Brisbane over the June long weekend, I'd love to see you there! You can make booking online at http://www.scrapbookexpo.com.au/.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Some exciting news....

I have been lucky enough to have been contacted by Cheryl Mezzetti, the Design Team Co-Ordinator for Creative Imaginations, to do all the Creative Imaginations work for Australia! Wowsers!
I will be working with Jane from Ocean2Outback, the wholesalers who supply CI to Australia and doing all their DT work!
Very exciting for me and I'm looking forward to getting stuck into it!
Here's a gorgeous set I've done for Mother's Day.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Black Dog is under the bed.....
Thank you to everyone who wished me well - if you've ever suffered from depression, you'll know that when you have a couple of really down days, you start getting scared that "this is it - its happening again" which is exactly what I did!
The good news is that the Black Dog is now under the bed - and let's hope he stays there!
I had the most wonderful play with a photo of Susan Johannes' daughter, Jade. I loved working with the bright colours. Hope you like it! Its really nice to try something completely different isn't it? And I must admit, its fun to put your own "feel" on a photo of someone that you really don't know very well, but just work on the impression you get of them IFKWIM.
Hopefully I'll get back into some more scrapping this week!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Dang!! Tagged!!!
I've been tagged! Wicked thoughts to you Susan Johannes! No, seriously, for anyone who doesn't know Susan (where have you been living????) take a trip over to her blog and her work will absolutely blow you away. Now after reading her 7 Wierd Facts (she actually wrote 10!), we now how the mind of the artist really works LOL!!!!
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. I can't stand getting my hands wet (ie. cleaning up the "sink salad" in the sink, etc., etc.- blaah!) and will often use tongs or a fork or something to avoid having them wet!
2. I think I may be addicted to caffiene!
3. I hardly ever go out - I do the school runs, etc., and then come home. To me going out during the day is a completely waste of good "home" time.
4. I would rather have my fingernails removed than spend the day "shopping" (except for scrapbooking supplies). Can't stand it! If I have a definite reason to do it, I don't mind it, but to just go shopping I find completely boring.
5. I am fiercely loyal and protective of my family and friends.
6. I have been on medication for depression/anxiety for over ten years. When I was pregnant with the twins, I was so depressed I was suicidal. If it wasn't for medication, my mother and my psychiatrist, I don't think I would be here today.
7. I tend to "overthink" things.
There...only 7 from me (otherwise you'll all think I'm too wierd lol!).
Now, I tag Sarah, Marni, Lusi, Lu, Michelle, Louise and Fran!
Sorry guys!!!
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. I can't stand getting my hands wet (ie. cleaning up the "sink salad" in the sink, etc., etc.- blaah!) and will often use tongs or a fork or something to avoid having them wet!
2. I think I may be addicted to caffiene!
3. I hardly ever go out - I do the school runs, etc., and then come home. To me going out during the day is a completely waste of good "home" time.
4. I would rather have my fingernails removed than spend the day "shopping" (except for scrapbooking supplies). Can't stand it! If I have a definite reason to do it, I don't mind it, but to just go shopping I find completely boring.
5. I am fiercely loyal and protective of my family and friends.
6. I have been on medication for depression/anxiety for over ten years. When I was pregnant with the twins, I was so depressed I was suicidal. If it wasn't for medication, my mother and my psychiatrist, I don't think I would be here today.
7. I tend to "overthink" things.
There...only 7 from me (otherwise you'll all think I'm too wierd lol!).
Now, I tag Sarah, Marni, Lusi, Lu, Michelle, Louise and Fran!
Sorry guys!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A couple of things....

Firstly, one of my Scrapapple.com.au DT layouts for this month. Boy, did I struggle with this months (thanks Kelly and Dawn!). I had the SEI papers and Hambly overlays. I loved them all but had one hell of a time trying to scrap them! I find SEI very girly and very graphic which always give me trouble! In fact, I had to go and get more paper as I completely ruined my first attempts!
Anyway, I'm happy with the outcome - the other one has been selected for publication in Scrapbook Creations so you'll see that later in the year.
How 'bout those gorgeous subjects I had - I was lucky enough to spend Easter Sunday with Kelly and her family and I took a couple of happy snaps of her gorgeous girls!
Secondly, a HUGE thank you for Sandra Gerdes for doing my banner - woo hoo!! I am so excited to have one and Sandra's done a fabulous job! In fact, I shall now officially dub her "Sandra, Queen of the Banners" if I may! Now if I can just work out how to get my original title off I'll be a happy woman!
Anyway, that's it for now - catch up later on the week!
Anyway, I'm happy with the outcome - the other one has been selected for publication in Scrapbook Creations so you'll see that later in the year.
How 'bout those gorgeous subjects I had - I was lucky enough to spend Easter Sunday with Kelly and her family and I took a couple of happy snaps of her gorgeous girls!
Secondly, a HUGE thank you for Sandra Gerdes for doing my banner - woo hoo!! I am so excited to have one and Sandra's done a fabulous job! In fact, I shall now officially dub her "Sandra, Queen of the Banners" if I may! Now if I can just work out how to get my original title off I'll be a happy woman!
Anyway, that's it for now - catch up later on the week!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
How Easy is it.....

How easy is it to forget why we are scrapping?
Sometimes I think we all need to be reminded why we are doing this wonderful art/craft. I know that I sometimes put pressure on myself to create the 'perfect' layout....how stupid am I? I get frustrated that I can't seem to create anything! Its funny how when I let all of that stuff go, that the real creating begins IFKWIM!
My reasons are:
I am scrapping for ME AND MY FAMILY (but to be COMPLETELY honest I think I do it for me and that hopefully my family will be interested in what their history was or interested in my little view of the world); I am scrapping because I ENJOY THE CREATIVE PROCESS; I am scrapping because it PROVIDES AN OUTLET THAT IS JUST 'MINE'; and mainly because its FUN!!!
One of the extra benefits of scrapping has been the introduction of some truly wonderful people whom I now call close friends. Now, I simply cannot imagine my life without them. Not to mention the sharing of life, thoughts, ideas and art which, without scrapping, I may never have been able to do. I love keeping up with this wonderful "sisterhood" and get so much joy out of seeing how your lives and art are developing and unfolding.
I've been lucky enough to have two layouts in this Month's Scrapbook Creations! Wowsers. You know, it sounds a bit dicky, but it really is a hoot to see something that you have created in print lol! I still can't come to grips with it - to think that someone else would actually think my work is interesting - unbelieveable?!?!?!? There is also one in Scrapbooking Memories which I completely forgot about! I get just as much of a 'kick' seeing some of my friends with layouts in print too - woo hooo to you all!
Anyway, a bit "deep" today, eh? Oh well - thank you everyone who visits my blog - please let me know you've popped by - I love it!
Have a terrific weekend!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
My No. 1 Son

I was so lucky to get their (very rare) photo of my now 13yo son.
It was taken when he was getting ready for his Year 7 Speech Night - the first time he had to wear long pants and a REAL tie. His Dad was helping him tie his tie. I just LOVE it!!!! To me its a moment when he really is growing up.
Funny how the little things really can be such milestones isn't it?
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Stay Cool

I'm so proud! I actually stamped!!!! I love this photo of my littlest man - he is such a hoot of a child - quite eccentric.
The fabulous SusanJ will also be scrapping this one (we're doing a photo swap) so I'll be interested to see her take on it.
Hope each and everyone of you in blogland has a happy Easter and enjoys the school holidays!
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, March 30, 2007
A Grungy layout....
Monday, March 26, 2007
Gosh I'm Getting Old!

Here's me thinking that I'm blogging more regularly! What a Loser LOL! Not a great deal to report over the last week. (I so wish I had a more exciting life - but its good just the same!)
Zane finishes school for the Easter break at the end of this week which is great - he's such good company at the moment (if you overlook all the 13yo puberty stuff!). He's really growing up into such a nice young man.
The twins still have another week after that. Levi is really struggling at Prep - he's just very immature. Jonah loves it! Its very difficult to know what to do, though. I can't pull one out without the other, etc., etc. so I've decided to just wait and see and see how Levi's maturity goes.
Scrapping wise, I really haven't done anything spectacular. A few layouts, but nothing that gives me that "WOW" feeling IFKWIM. This one here is in the latest For Keeps which Sarah tells me is out now. A very simply layout, I thought, but For Keeps seems to like that (hence the reason they don't usually like my stuff lol!).
I've sent my Circle Journal off so I'm really looking forward to getting the next one to work on.
I've had three layouts accepted by Memory Makers (a US publication) which is pretty exciting for me.
Anyway, best get to doing some creating.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Another week gone by.....

OMG where has the time gone?
I've had a busy few days, working with Kelly and Dawn from Scrapapple.com.au at the Australian Papercrafts Expo. Had a tonne of fun and had the chance to finally meet some of the girls that I've met on their forum. They had a huge scoop, being the first in the world to get hold of the new Maya Road products - if you love velvet ricrac, flowers, ribbon and gorgeous chipboard books, etc. have a look at Scrapapple.com.au. They are just spectacular.
Haven't done much scrapping of late but here's one I did last week. The blogging world is a bit quiet at the moment isn't it?
Friday, March 09, 2007

Yep, that's me in the blogging department at the moment! (well at least I'm in good company - you know who you are don't you?!?!?!)
On the home front, kids are back at school after over a week off! I'm exhausted and still trying to catch up with the work. I've got the concentration of a flea which doesn't help either lol!
I've been playing with the gorgeous new Urban Lily papers and the new Basic Grey papers too - aren't they superb?!?!?
Getting a bit stuck with my scrapping (again) but I guess this too shall pass. I actually scraplifted myself!!
I'll leave you with a layout. I promise I'll blog more regularly!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Dream Street Papers

I've been lucky enough to get my hands on some of the new CHA release of the Dream Street papers. They're gorgeous. I know that they are coming in VERY soon at Scrapapple so, if you want to get hold of some, check in there! Here's a layout of Mr Levi, the oh, so cool.
I've got the little boys home today - high temps, bad cough, etc., etc., so don't know if I'll get alot done today....but I'll try!
Also, I've been lucky enough to be asked to join the team at How Dare You? If you haven't heard of How Dare You before, what planet have you been living on lol?
Truly, if you want a challenge and some inspiration take a trip over there and have a good look through the site - the talent is INCREDIBLE!!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
What a Cootie!

Do you ever go thru stages where you tend to photograph one child more than another?
I like to think that I don't, but its simply not true!
At the moment, Levi is just so photogenic and I can't seem to miss a good shot with him. A couple of months ago it was Jonah! And Zane, well let me say that its almost impossible to get a photo of him (very uncool for teenagers to be photographed!).
Here's one I took yesterday of Levi with his teddy bear!
By the way, thankyou to everyone who pops by...it so nice to get to know everyone isn't it?!?!?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Time Waster.....

My name is Jill and I'm a time waster! There I said it.
I was talking to the fabulous (and fellow time-waster) Susan Johannes this morning and I really have to come to accept that I'm possible the worst time management person that ever existed! I spend way too much time on this bl@@dy computer and way too little time doing other things!
So I shall upload a layout I did this morning and hop off here for now (until the next time lol!).
Hope everyone's having a great day!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Still Plodding Along....

I really wish I was one of those bloggers that wrote these incredibly entertaining posts with fabulous links for everyone to look at.....but alas, I'm afraid my rather dull life certainly does not lend itself to this!
On the homefront, my baby turned 13 on Saturday - a teenager - how about that?!?!? It really does seem like he should still be a newborn! Apart from the usual adolescent and hormonal adjustments and attitude (!) I'm so proud of my baby! He really is growing into a fine young man.
Scrapping wise, I'm still struggling! I've done a pink boy layout which is totally not my style but, I must admit, I have some fondness for it! Hope you like it too - I know its not great, but, hell, I've done it lol!
Hopefully something more to report later in the week!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Layout Share

I have had the worst "Scraponstipation" for the last couple of weeks and, honestly, I've hardly produced anything. The couple of things I had produced, I can't show! Grrr!
Any tips for getting myself "moving" again would be greatly appreciated!
I can show you, however, my latest DT project for Buzz and Bloom! Its not my finest work lol but I do love the colours (looking for positives here!). I've used the gorgeous chipboard "Paisley Flowers" on this one - they're soooo cute. These products should be available in your LSS soon! If not, just ask your LSS to get them in for you - too easy!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
SC Issue 39

I don't know you've seen this issue of Scrapbook Creations yet, but WOWSERS! It really is awesome.
I LOVE the article on Mail Art by Vivian Bonder and Jeni O'Connor's Reality Bites article had me in tears. I haven't even been game to start scrapping some of those "personal" things as yet..to be honest, I wouldn't know when to start. Might have to set myself a challenge to do this one day.
Anyway, here's my layouts from the mag. "A Moment Captured" was credited to someone else though lol! Oh well, I hope I get my layout back and get paid for it!
Monday, February 05, 2007
I'm Back!!!!

Well that didn't last for long did it? Actually I think I may have been kidding myself as I'm pretty sure I spent almost as much time blog surfing as usual lol!
Last week all three boys started school - Zane in Year 8 (my big highschool boy), Levi and Jonah in Prep - too cute! I just have to organise myself with the starting times, picking up times, etc. as there is a 40 minute difference so it required two trips - aaargh!
Got some big news last week too - I was one of the runners up in the Scrapbook Creations Cover Competition! Wowsers. Here's my layout! What a hoot!
Now, in other news, my extremely talented friend, Sarah van Wijck, won the International Competition to design a card for Oprah W and Ellen de G. Can you believe the talent of this girl? She just amazes me! Have a look here.
Anyway, that's all for now - when I think of something else to write, I'll be back!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
A Bit Over It....
I've decided that I'm going to pull back from blogging for a week or so. I'm finding that I'm not enjoying it at the moment....I get way too obsessed with it and, who cares anyway?!?!? I'm going to concentrate more on my family, getting kids back to school, domestic chores and I might even try to start doing some scrapping for me just because I can!
Catch up later!
Catch up later!
Monday, January 22, 2007
CHA Sneaky Peaks

Have at look at these AMAZING new products coming in from Magistical Memories for CHA later this week. Aren't they superb and sooooo much fun?
If you're interested, one of the designers, Susan Rodriguez is giving away a full set for a RAK. Believe me, its really worth having!
I've had a little play and have come up with this altered mannequin!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Dream Street Papers

Have you seen these fabulous papers?????
They are only available in Australia from Scrapapple.com.au - absolutely beautiful to work with - I couldn't get enough of them!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Look at these gorgeous faces!

Some days you just really KNOW you are completely blessed! This morning was one of those days - the little boys were out on their trampoline and I was lucky enough to have perfect lighting, etc., etc.
I'm not too flash at Photoshop so excuse the "dodgy" montage - but gosh - aren't those little guys gorgeous!
Oh well, off to do some scrapping now!
Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Scrapbook Creations Issue 38

Wow! I picked up a copy of SC 38 and I am so lucky to have been chosen for this issue's Artist in the Spotlight feature.
Actually, at times I find this scrapbooking adventure quite unbelievable. I have only been scrapping for a little over a year and have already had so many exciting things happen to me. I have been published several times, I have been lucky enough to be on some Design Teams and, most importantly, I have formed some incredible friendships through this amazing art.
These are people who I simply could not imagine life without now. Even though I have not even met some of them, they have helped make my life fuller. A special "thankyou" for your friendships to Marni, Sarah, Susan, Dawn and Kelly. I consider myself so lucky to have you in my life.
Actually, at times I find this scrapbooking adventure quite unbelievable. I have only been scrapping for a little over a year and have already had so many exciting things happen to me. I have been published several times, I have been lucky enough to be on some Design Teams and, most importantly, I have formed some incredible friendships through this amazing art.
These are people who I simply could not imagine life without now. Even though I have not even met some of them, they have helped make my life fuller. A special "thankyou" for your friendships to Marni, Sarah, Susan, Dawn and Kelly. I consider myself so lucky to have you in my life.
Anyway, here's the layouts featured in Scrapbook Creations Issue 38!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Lucky Me!
I am sooooo happy to announce to my blogging friends that I am lucky enough to have been selected for a position on the DT of the incredible Buzz and Bloom!
I was absolutely speechless as their team is AMAZING!!! The divine (and wicked) Susan Johannes (**waving**) is joining me on the team so, yet again, we are partners in crime lol!
They have to most stunning stamps, acrylics, chipboard and collage papers. I really can't wait to get my hands on them! I know working with Helene and Devorah will be just incredible and I am so looking forward to learning more of my craft through their Team. Wow. Wow. Wow.!
In other news, I actually scrapped today which was fun.
Lately, I have become a bit obsessed with PhotoShop - this really is becoming all consuming and unfortunately, due to my addictive personality (did I say that?!?!?), I have been either glued to the 'puter, scrapping, reading about scrapping and, to be honest, not done alot around the house!
Oh well, as long as we're fed, I'm sure I'll find the children under the piles of folding!!!
Till next time XXXXJill
I was absolutely speechless as their team is AMAZING!!! The divine (and wicked) Susan Johannes (**waving**) is joining me on the team so, yet again, we are partners in crime lol!
They have to most stunning stamps, acrylics, chipboard and collage papers. I really can't wait to get my hands on them! I know working with Helene and Devorah will be just incredible and I am so looking forward to learning more of my craft through their Team. Wow. Wow. Wow.!
In other news, I actually scrapped today which was fun.
Lately, I have become a bit obsessed with PhotoShop - this really is becoming all consuming and unfortunately, due to my addictive personality (did I say that?!?!?), I have been either glued to the 'puter, scrapping, reading about scrapping and, to be honest, not done alot around the house!
Oh well, as long as we're fed, I'm sure I'll find the children under the piles of folding!!!
Till next time XXXXJill
Monday, January 08, 2007
A New Week

Well January is certainly power through - can't believe its the 8th already!
A few very exciting things happening at Scrapapple this week. Its really worthwhile having a peek when you get a moment. If you register on the forum and pop into the Question of the Day, you will get an entry into a terrific prize! (A Valentine's Day Pamper Hamper - and believe me, its AMAZING). Also a great opportunity to meet everyone on the forum - what a fabulous lot of girls we're getting there now!
Scrapapple have also got these fabulous new giant block - here's one I decorated. They are 130mm x 130mm and weigh about 2kg because they are solid timber. I have had a huge love affair with timber for years so this was right up my alley - so beautiful and so much fun!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Happy New Year!!!!

Well, I'm back in the land of the living.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are now settling back to reality - lets all do our best to make 2007 the best yet!
I was lucky enough to get a new lens from Santa - he got me a Canon 85mm f/1.8 which I am truly just in love with! Needless to say, I've been snapping to my heart's content!
Can't tell you how much I've missed everyone over the Silly Season - I'm really looking foward to keeping in touch with you all - I do enjoy seeing everyone grow and develop in their passion - love it!
Anyway, I'll leave you with a few photos! Be in touch soon!
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