All's been pretty quiet on the home front of late. I guess that's got something to do with my back problems. Still getting 4 x weekly visits to chiro.
Levi and Jonah turned 5 yesterday which was really gorgeous - it still amazes me that they're here. They had such a rough time in utero and I was on so many drugs that its amazing that they're both so healthy and have no major problems. Happy Birthday gorgeous boys!
Haven't been doing much scrapping - I made a couple of cards though - to be honest I don't "get" cardmarking - but here they are.
Hope your back eases up soon. I suffer with my back and I know how painful it can be. Happy birthday to your boys.
Well, it looks like you "got" it with that card!
Happy 5th Birthday Jonah and Levi!
Did you know that my youngest two are eight year old boy/girl twins? and my oldest son's name is Zane!? He's 24.
Hope your back is getting better. I know that until you've had back pain, walking or just plain functioning on a daily basis is taken for granted!
Oh Jill so sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your back. Nothing worse cause it affects every movement. Sigh.
Huge congrats on Jonah and Levis birthdays. Wow. What an achievement. I'm struggling at the 3.5 year age and 'we want our independence' stage. Grin. Sigh. LOL!
You don't "get" card making?!
It's what I do when I've hit a creative block.. they're so fast to do, it's like instant gratification!
Hi, I'm Kristi coming from Lynette's blog, actually I am coming from Hannibal, MO, USA but I had to come check out your layouts!!! AND THEY ARE GORGOEUS!!!
Happy birthday to your sons.
I don't get cards either unless you have a grandma that doesn't throw them away!!! But that is a cute card!!!
I kow back pain stinks, my mom had back surgery and my MIL is planning to have one as well. Very painful. Hope you get to feeling better.
Your card is gorgeous!! I don't get card making either and I think it is because when I buy cards at the store I normally go with those funny ones. And well honestly I am not that funny that I should be making jokes in cards. Scary thought.
Hope your back starts feeling better!!
Well I guess you will just have to look at cardmaking as the scrapping you do when you are not scrapping, so to speak. Clayton's scrapping lol!! Happy birthday to two special boys - keep on filling your Mum's heart with love! :)
Sorry to hear about your back...I keep thinking that a trip to the chiro might do me some good also.
Happy birthday to your boys--and BTW I like the card, I don't "get it" either. I used to do it on occasion, but then once everyone started wanting homemade cards I sorta lost interst...strange, I know.
You should make cards with all of your scraps...and send them to me!LOL I'm trying to send my dd at least three a week when she goes away to college in the fall, so I have been trying to get some done with my scraps!
Hope the back is feeling better soon...can they shoot it with a cortisone shot?
I hope your back isn't giving you trouble for too much longer - what a pain LITERALLY!
Happy Birthday to Jonah and Levi!!! They're almost exactly a year older than Lachie :) (his b'day was the 23rd)
Hey, Jilly.......sorry to hear that your back is still no good....Grrrrr!!!! You poor thing!
Happy birthday to your boys - Hip Hip Hooray!!!
I really enjoyed meeting you at the convention, even with a bad back you were still a hoot!
Take care, until next time....
hope the chiro is helping!!! I love my weekly visits but am going for a *bonus* visit tomorrow courtesy of a whacked shoulder! (can't have it ruining my enjoyment of scrapping! lol!)
happy bday to the boys!!
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