Friday, June 22, 2007

You're Thor?????

Sorry I've been keeping quiet for a while - to be honest, I've had a DREADFUL back. When I was away a couple of weeks ago, I had a fall (glamorous I know!) and since then I've had the worst back pain I've experienced.

I've been going to the physio and chiropractor. I have acute inflamation around two of my (degenerating!!) discs in my lower back and haven't even been able to sit at the 'puter, let alone produce any other work! The pain is the only pain I have known that is worse than childbirth!

Today is the first day that I have been able to actually walk around a little and sit for a couple of minutes on the 'puter!!

Anyway, nothing much to show but here's a layout I did a few weeks ago. I know its nots outstanding but it only took me a hour to do from start to finish (pretty outstanding for me I can tell you!)



Anonymous said...

Just saying HI JILL!!!!

MarniT said...

So sorry to hear your not feeling better. This LO is stunning no matter how long it took you and what you think. Hang in there. I hope your feel better soon.

Ruey said...

Fabulous layout!!! I hope your back is better soon because I have missed your work heaps!!!

Anonymous said...

Nope don't miss you AT ALL!! LOL

I am a cruel woman!! Glad you are feeling a teensy bit better!!

Now Jill, I know why you really had a bad back!! Mwa ha ha!!

Ann Lederhose said...

You're doing it tough you poor chookie. Hope it all comes good soon.

And I love your LO too btw! Even if you don't!

Anonymous said...

hope your back gets better soon:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill, love your LO and hope your back starts to feel better soon

Lynette van Barrelo said...

An hour huh? I spend at LEAST that long shuffling paper! Nice colour scheme!

Hope your back gets better soon because a few weeks dealing with a pain worse than childbirth could only develop into a nervous twitch!

Louise said...

Oooh Jill
Im with the others I so hope your back gets better Soooooooon!!!!

And Despite your feelings I love your LO toooooo :)

Cass said...

Miss you too baby!!!!!

I dig the LO though, been thinking of you heaps...hope all gets better for you real soon

Cass xxxx

Petrina McDonald said...

Oh mate - that is so bad (your back I mean!). Thankfully I have never had a bad back but if it is worse than childbirth then it must be bad.
{{hugs}} to you and I hope you are soon on the fast track to recovery. Cool layout BTW!!! 8)
Love, P.

Sarah said...

I really hope there is some light at the end of the tunnel and some relief coming your way. It sounds really awful. Take care, love Sarah xx