Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Question

Question: What's square and yellow and hangs from the wall of the twins' bedroom?

Answer: Why, its a piece of dried up cheese, of course!

Don't ask me how it got there, but it got there last nite - and I had the joy of removing it this morning! Don't you just love boys?!?!?


Sarah said...

Yes, I'm sorry Jill, I laughed :)

Camilla said...

well i beat that one, something in the carpet outside the toilet. gee what could that be UGH 4yr olds, twins, lol children hahahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOL!!! Jill you should write a book about all the mischief boys get up to ;)

Anonymous said...

Dont you just love boys???
Hmmmmmm yes most of the time, the rest of the time i just sit in awe and amazement at the silly, ridiculous things they say and
yep boys,, and then they grow into thats funny..hahahahaha...
maybe the cheese was for later Jill?

Anonymous said...

Oh Jill sorry, that's just too funny!!! But can I tell you teenage girls and boys are just as bad. I have found some really disgusting things in their rooms after investigating funny smells.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jill, of course the cheese was for later!! Silly!! Where else are they supposed to put cheese to keep safely?? If they put it on the floor, someone might stand on it!!!

xx S.

lusi said...

I stood in the play room today after it had been cleaned. I smell something. something not very pleasant. I look. i find.....a piece of banana from a few days before when friends had visited.
i empathise with you hun! I'm sure my kids know someone named ron....keeping it for ron mum :)
Lus x