Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This one's for you Susan!

OK. I haven't posted in a while.

The reason - I'm starting to feel like all I post about is kids being sick....and yes....it happened again. Last Thursday nite, Levi came down with high temps 39.5C and he was like that until yesterday. Honestly, this has been the WORST year for kids being sick! I can't believe it and I am soooooooo over it! Actually I burst into tears when his temp soared - I just thought "not again" but, hopefully, next year will be better.


Anonymous said...

oh you poor thing jill...here's hoping things start to look up soon...and i totally relate to the crying thing...we are going through mid night wake ups from miss A and it is starting to do my head in!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad everyone is better now Jill. You sure have had a bad run.

Camilla said...

next year will be better its just day care jill once they start school it should settle down to once a month lol. Take care sweetness.