Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dang!! Tagged!!!

I've been tagged! Wicked thoughts to you Susan Johannes! No, seriously, for anyone who doesn't know Susan (where have you been living????) take a trip over to her blog and her work will absolutely blow you away. Now after reading her 7 Wierd Facts (she actually wrote 10!), we now how the mind of the artist really works LOL!!!!

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I can't stand getting my hands wet (ie. cleaning up the "sink salad" in the sink, etc., etc.- blaah!) and will often use tongs or a fork or something to avoid having them wet!

2. I think I may be addicted to caffiene!

3. I hardly ever go out - I do the school runs, etc., and then come home. To me going out during the day is a completely waste of good "home" time.

4. I would rather have my fingernails removed than spend the day "shopping" (except for scrapbooking supplies). Can't stand it! If I have a definite reason to do it, I don't mind it, but to just go shopping I find completely boring.

5. I am fiercely loyal and protective of my family and friends.

6. I have been on medication for depression/anxiety for over ten years. When I was pregnant with the twins, I was so depressed I was suicidal. If it wasn't for medication, my mother and my psychiatrist, I don't think I would be here today.

7. I tend to "overthink" things.

There...only 7 from me (otherwise you'll all think I'm too wierd lol!).

Now, I tag Sarah, Marni, Lusi, Lu, Michelle, Louise and Fran!

Sorry guys!!!


Francine Burgess said...

wow you are weird kidding..wait till you read mine..this is a kinda cute tag,,,kinda?...sorta? off to do mine..

Louise said...

Sheeesh thanx Jill, I think! Will finish it off tomorrow!
Cheers Lou :)
BTW Its too cool what you shared!!

MarniT said...

You know what I love about you most's your honesty. thanks for sharing such personal stuff with us.
Not so sure what im gonna write, i'm perfect and i know you know that! LOL

Chris Millar said...

Lovely to get to know you a bit better Jill! I am the same about staying home! Sometimes I think my friends think I'm weird!! I love nothing better than to be alone at home when the kids are at school!
Loved your layouts in SC this month too! Awesome work!

Sarah said...

Thanks Jill ;) You mean I have to tell people about me!!!

Flinders Pony Club said...

I agree shopping is the worst and I hate leaving my much drama to go out! I love my home, its great to know a little more about you! I like the honesty!

Cass said...

Cool facts Jilly, I hat having wet hands too!!!!!

BTW Lu (god bless her!!!) went on to tag me...Fun Fun FUn !!! LOL

deirdre said...

Geez Jill, you really are weird aren't you? LOL.
It's very hard to admit to depression, good on you :)