Friday, June 30, 2006

Quickie for the Day!

I did this layout of Levi this morning - I set myself a challenge of 15 minutes and this is the result - very basic but I got it done!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


I did this layout (very quickly for me lol!) of my gorgeous neice, Saskia, when she was over the other day. She is only 10 years old and is going through that "looking really beautiful" stage. She had just hopped out of the shower and had combed her hair and was watching the television - I just love this photo of her. I am not sure if the layout worked, but I kinda' sorta' like it (I think!).


A HUGE congratulations to MarniT and Sara P for winning the For Keeps A to Z competition! I am so proud of you both - a brilliant win and much deserved! Yippppeeeee!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A True Gift

Sometimes in this life, I believe, we actually are witness to a true gift from God. Last nite, Maggie (my sil) and I went to the Mandy Patinkin concert at QPAC. I spent half the concert with tears of disbelief rolling down my cheeks.
Musically, the man is an absolutely genius - a term that I think is overused nowadays. It is a rare occurrence that I am left speechless, but words completely fail me on this one.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Never Forget a Face!

I have actually done a layout! It is a photo of my goofy Levi - our boy of a million faces and I will never forget a single on of them!

Sassy and I will be scrapping today which will be nice - she had her first try at a sewing machine yesterday (she is only 10!) and I think I've got her hooked on scrapping!

Zane has gone up to the Sunshine Coast with Nan and Pa for a week so he will have a great time - its so funny how much you miss them when they're away - even though sometimes you fight like cats and dogs, its amazing how much they really are part of you isn't it?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Scrapapple DT Project

I have completed my latest DT project - a dear little keepsake tin with some inserts on a keyring. I have made it for my son, Zane, for his summer of 1995/96. Very cute baby - I could have just eaten him!

Happy 4th Birthday Levi & Jonah!

Well today is my babies' fourth birthday! We have had a wonderful day. Mum came over and stayed last nite as did Saskia, my niece (10yo).

The whole family came over today for birthday lunch which was just terrific. The boys were a little overwhelmed with all the presents and attention but they had a wonderful time. They got a scooter, Superman suit, Buzz Lightyear (for Jonah), Fur Real kitty cat (for Levi), a mix master, kitchen scales, a Leap Pad and other bits and pieces each!

I took some snaps and will upload a couple now - they haven't been edited at all so I hope they turn out alright!

Sassy and I will spend the day scrapbooking together tomorrow! Woo Hoo!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bye-Bye Marni

Last nite I had my last scrap (for a while at least) with the fabulous MarniT. I am going to miss her so much as she really has become part of our family in such a short time. She did this gorgeous layout for my birthday which I absolutely adore. Thanks Marni (not bad for someone without talent lol!)

I, on the other hand, am suffering from the dreaded scrapper's block! Not good but hopefully it will pass SOON!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I am absolutely bowled over by this news! I have been appointed as a member of the Design Team for MAGISTICAL MEMORIES! This is a US company specialising in gorgeous, gorgeous chipboard products as well as other things. Their stock is DIVINE and I would love to see it available in Australia!

This is really turning into a great scrapbooking year for me and I am so excited (although a little overwhelmed!).

Monday, June 19, 2006

What is it with 12 yo boys?!?!?!?

My gorgeous boy, Zane, has obviously been abducted by aliens and been replaced with this testosterone-filled, smart-mouthed, dirty, smelly, argumentative, parent-hating monster!

Puberty has reared its ugly head in full force in our house and I'm not happy! How dare he grow up and turn from a cute little boys into a hairy-pimply monster - surely this wasn't meant to happen to my dear little boy?!?!?!

I really have to learn to cope with this because otherwise he and I will probably end up killing eachother - we both ended up in tears on Friday nite (sorry about that Marni) so I'm going to have to research some new parenting strategies. Yuk.

Wish me luck everyone!

Aaah, Monday!

Had a lovely nite scrapping with the gorgeous MarniT on Friday. We have decided to scrap again on Wednesday as we really don't want to have to stop scrapping together! I'm really going to miss her when she moves to Mackay on Saturday morning. What am I going to do on Friday nites?!?!?!?

And, in a first, we both finished a layout on Friday nite! (Will upload when I get the opportunity).

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Jill's Weightloss Secrets (guaranteed success!!!)

Well I have finally discovered the absolutely foolproof way to lose those unwanted kgs! And the secret is..........hang around with a bunch of (almost) "virally" four year olds!!!!

Yes, this weekend, after my brief soujourn to the much awaited Australasian Scrapbooking Convention, I returned home with a 39 degree temperature and severe vomiting and gasto!!!! Yeh!!! A weekend spent in bed or sitting on the toilet with a bucket in hand - glamourous stuff, I know, but why haven't I marketed this weightloss secret?!?!? Surely I can load a pill with some rampant gastro virus or something (or has that been done before?). I'm sure Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie would be into it - who needs an uncomfortable colonic when, with the simple pop of a pill, you could induce an automatic "rid your body of every single ounce of goodness it could possibly contain" response - too easy. Could be a marketing frenzy - each pill comes with its own bucket and disposable undies - great stuff (and oh, so tasteful!).

Needless to say, I haven't even touched my scrapbooking stuff for a whole week now (first with sick children and now with me!). Very frustrating I can tell you. Hopefully all will be back on deck later this week so I can catch up on some housework, washing, ironing, etc. and start scrapping!

Oh, Tim bought a new toy on the weekend - a Dyson vacuum cleaner! (I know, many men would prefer something more "butch" but he's wanted one of these forever and it was HALF PRICE! Gotta be happy with that! I have now nicknamed our new vac "Lady Dy" and Tim shall now be known affectionately as "Dodo" when he is seen in her company! (Its a bit rough when that's about the most exciting this that's happened over a long weekend isn't it?!?!).

Hopefully more to report later in the week - take care of you and yours.
XX Jilly

Friday, June 09, 2006

Mandy Patinkin!!!!

I just received a phone call from my SIL Maggie asking me if I would go with her to see Mandy Patinkin in Concert on 27 June!

I am soooooo excited as both Maggs and I have been HUGE fans of Mandy Patinkin for many years! The only thing is, as I said to her, "I think we are the only people in Australia who know who he is! (lol)!". She replied, "That's because we're wierd!"

Hmmm, I'll have to think about that one! Anyway. I'm sooooooooo looking forward to it!

On the home front, now Levi seems to be on the mend but now Jonah has a high temp and gastro! (Oh, the joys of twins!). Never mind. Poor little fellas!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Politically Incorrect!

I've have actually done some scrapping today which feels good.

I have done a photo of Jonah that I took about a month ago which I absolutely adore BUT I have been hesitant to scrap it as it is playing with a GUN! He is a real little boy and has been making them out of his hands, with a stick, with a torch, etc. since before he was two! He finally got his hands on one of Zane's old guns and absolutely loves it!

I think its a pity that, as parents, we feel guilty when one of our children enjoy something that is politically incorrect. I know I used to LOVE playing with guns when I was a little girl - for years! Anyway, its done and in my Gallery if you're interested!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday, Monday....

Had a great weekend...birthday and all! Got fists full of cold hard cash for my present so headed to SAM sale on Saturday morning and went wild! It was so nice to be able to spend on supplies without feeling guilty!

Had a birthday dinner Saturday nite with family which was so lovely.

Also, I have found out that I actually won Round 5 of the SAM Weekend Cyber-Crop which is unbelieveable - yet a few more dollars to spend on scrapping goodies!

Can't wait until tomorrow so that I can start using some of my new stash!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

Wow. I'm 42 today - I can't believe it! I am heading to the SAM sale today to spend my birthday money - I can't wait!

I have been up since just before 5:00am with Jonah sick. With a family of 5 it seems that we have one thing after another - particularly in winter!

I got some great news yesterday - I got an email from Scrapbook Creations saying that they have chosen one of my layouts to go on display at their stand at the Scrapbooking show at the Entertainment Centre in Brisbane next weekend - what a thrill!!