Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Jill's Weightloss Secrets (guaranteed success!!!)

Well I have finally discovered the absolutely foolproof way to lose those unwanted kgs! And the secret is..........hang around with a bunch of (almost) "virally" four year olds!!!!

Yes, this weekend, after my brief soujourn to the much awaited Australasian Scrapbooking Convention, I returned home with a 39 degree temperature and severe vomiting and gasto!!!! Yeh!!! A weekend spent in bed or sitting on the toilet with a bucket in hand - glamourous stuff, I know, but why haven't I marketed this weightloss secret?!?!? Surely I can load a pill with some rampant gastro virus or something (or has that been done before?). I'm sure Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie would be into it - who needs an uncomfortable colonic when, with the simple pop of a pill, you could induce an automatic "rid your body of every single ounce of goodness it could possibly contain" response - too easy. Could be a marketing frenzy - each pill comes with its own bucket and disposable undies - great stuff (and oh, so tasteful!).

Needless to say, I haven't even touched my scrapbooking stuff for a whole week now (first with sick children and now with me!). Very frustrating I can tell you. Hopefully all will be back on deck later this week so I can catch up on some housework, washing, ironing, etc. and start scrapping!

Oh, Tim bought a new toy on the weekend - a Dyson vacuum cleaner! (I know, many men would prefer something more "butch" but he's wanted one of these forever and it was HALF PRICE! Gotta be happy with that! I have now nicknamed our new vac "Lady Dy" and Tim shall now be known affectionately as "Dodo" when he is seen in her company! (Its a bit rough when that's about the most exciting this that's happened over a long weekend isn't it?!?!).

Hopefully more to report later in the week - take care of you and yours.
XX Jilly


Alicia Barry said...

Poor Jill. Hope you start to feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are on the mend soon. And I'll pass on the weight-loss secret, thanks. It doesn't sound very nice at all. I have heard a lot of people have had the tummy bug that is going around lately. Yuck.

Crissy Gaylor said...

OH Jill. Dyson!!! How exciting I would love to get one of those or one of those PetVax.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Really is something going around this winter.
Take care. :)

Sara Pearcy said...

LOL - definitely marketable, especially the way you've written it up.... might need more than just one pair of disposable undies, though. Now all you have to think of is a catchy brand name and your in business!!

Hope you're feeling on top of things again.

xx S.