Friday, August 25, 2006

The Pox

Well, today I have two little 4yo boys home with the dreaded Chicken Pox!

After spending the day yesterday mopping and washing up vomit (bewdiful!), today I have two very spotty and itchy children!

I also have my gorgeous 12yo Zane home after a late nite last nite at his Choir concert! So should be a testosterone filled day all round.

Hopefully, I'll have some time to scrap tonite - maybe even the Friday nite Challenge with my gorgeous friend Marni.

Once we have decided what the challenge, I'll let you know - please join in if you wish.


Sarah said...

Oh no! What a lead up to the weekend. Hope you get some time out tonight :)

Anonymous said...

Oh poor things. At least they have it at the same time. It usually goes around a family one following the other (or at least that's what I had). Hope they are feeling better soon. And to think I was going to send you an email to see if you want to get together next week!

Alicia Barry said...

Oh no. I've heard that that is going around.

We've got the CC tonight at SC if you are looking for a challenge.

Anonymous said...

You poor bugger!! It could be worse though. You could have the dh sick too!! Sorry, I couldn't resist. They always act like they are dying don't they?

Look after yourself Jill.

Sara Pearcy said...

Hope things are improving and the boys are feeling better.
xx S.

Jasmine said...

As Leone said - at least they've got it at the same time. My mum had to deal with 4 of us all getting it one after the other!!! Hope the boys are feeling better soon.
Did you manage to scrap last night?