Saturday, August 26, 2006

Woo Hoo

Scrapapple Gallery has finally gone LIVE. Have a look here.

Now for other news - when is the Chicken Pox not the Chicken Pox? When its the German Measles!

After having a good look at Jonah's rash and trusting my gut feeling, I took Jo back to the Doctor and, no, he doesn't have chicken pox but he has German Measles!

Before you ask, YES HE HAS HAD HIS IMMUNISATIONS! Grrr, apparently they only work in 98% of cases! He is absolutely covered in this red rash - poor little mite.

Scrapping wise, I am so tired and unmotivated that I haven't produced a single thing - very inspiring!

Oh well, there's always next week!

Hope everyone's having a great weekend


ScrapManda said...

Hope your little bloke is feeling better real soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor bugger!! And poor Jonah. No wonder you haven't scrapped much!! You are probably exhausted!! Go eat some choccie. I'll give you a call during the week hopefully to cheer you up.

Alicia Barry said...

Oh no. Hope all is well soon.