Friday, July 21, 2006

Day from Hell!

No details will be given except to say that whilst I love them to pieces, I am NOT particularly fond of four year old boys LOL. A couple of clues though....

.....Chocolate Ice Magic does not set in a child's hair, even in winter;

....I have actually managed to locate my ONLY set of car keys (in the catcher of the mower); takes four pillows and two blankets stacked on the floor to climb over the raised gate in Zane's room; takes 1 kitchen stool and a pouffe to reach the top shelp of our pantry;

....a child simply cannot eat dinner after devouring 10 Freddo Frogs and half a jar of Nutella.


Sara Pearcy said...

ROFLMHO!!! OMGosh... a bit of a bad day, huh? I have to tell you I am laughing myself silly and even DH had a giggle.

I hope your day improves and the boys don't get sick from all the chocolate... who knows what mischief they will get up to if they do!!

xx S.

lusi said...

Empathy here Jill...I've been tearing my hair out today too!
Hope your day gets better!!!
Lus x

Francine Burgess said...

oh Jill i can soo relate to you..but you have to have a little giggle, boys can be sooo much in a week or two you can sit back and laugh..till then, keep smiling and remember they grow up way to fast so cherish every moment, even those that may drive us

Alicia Barry said...

Oh Jill, what a day. I'm sending you a big hug(once I stop giggling).

Crissy Gaylor said...

PMSL!!!! I can see a Great scrapbook layout forming! :)

Jasmine said...

Hope you took some photos LOL!!! Sounds like they had a fun day. I don't think anyone would begrudge you needing "your" kid-free days - bet you can't wait for the next one.

Sarah said...

Love it :)

scrapadel said...

Wow, what a day. Doesn't sound good about the freddos.... my what a tummy ache.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

ScrapManda said...

Okay - that sounds sooo much worse than more lousy day yesterday !!! Thanks for the LOL!!!

Jeepie said...

LOL. But look at those eyes. Don't they make you melt